Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sooo Fasssssst

So This semester has gone by really fast! October is almost over with and then we only have a month left... it's hard to believe how fast the year is already over and done with! But I can't wait! Here are my reasons:
1. CHRISTMAS!! oh the joy of Christmas... the lights, the pictures, the presents, the cold, the fooooood, the churches, the fake snow, and New Years Eve.... ah I love it all!

2. Thanksgiving... only one reason why I love Thanksgiving .. because of the wonderful food that seems to always come around this holiday... oh gosh Im making myself hungry talking about it!

3. Im moving home... Oh.. the joy in making myself happy is finally coming true.

4. A start of a new year and a new begining... I can start fresh and start all over if I want to!

Ahh A new year is almost here and I can't wait!!!!!!!

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