Thursday, October 26, 2006


Oh it's finally the weekend and Im going home! YAY! Im so excited because I get to see all of my friends and we are dressing up for Halloween and having a party on Saturday.. so much fun! Im so ready for this weekend.. this week went by really fast but then again really slow.. its crazy. And I can't believe that October is almost over, it seems like just last week it was the first week in October... CRAZY how time flies! So tomorrow I also get to go out to eat with my Mammy. (grandmother) for her birthday at this really nice place thats actually out in the boondocks ... haha! But thats exciting because I get to see my amazing family!!! Oh I hope this weekend rocks.. Im just a little nervous because the "ex" said he wants to see me.. we will see how that will go. Hmm.. life is so crazy its unbelieveable! But its fabulous and it should never be wasted!!!!!!!!

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