Monday, September 25, 2006

Calls and thoughts

Don't you hate it when you are in a perectly good deep sleep and then all of the sudden... ring ring!! Ahh! That happens all of the time now that Im away at college.. people love to call me in the middle of the night! I never sleep all the way through without waking up and my phone off the charger and by myside... and me wondering.. who called and and what did I say?

OH the annoying things..

But as for the whole school thing, I stayed here this weekend.. I didn't get to go home and it wasn't so bad. But now Im so ready to go home this next weekend. I know that Im finding myself but for me transfering home or closer to home next semester isn't a bad thing. Everyone believes that it's giving up or not giving TX State a try and I am, I have been, I just know that Im not at home down here and I don't feel good about myself and if I go home and make a life for myself outside of my parents home then I can start to feel better. Its all still up in the air now, I still have about another month to decide, Im still praying and I really believe that God wants me to do whats best for me and not just and try and please others this time.

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